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Philippe Douyon Philippe Douyon

Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine?

When we laugh, endorphins are released in the brain, which are hormones that help reduce stress, improve mood and potentially improve cognition. Additionally, laughter has also been found to lead to the release of serotonin, a hormone which increases feelings of happiness and lowers depression and anxiety.

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Philippe Douyon Philippe Douyon

The Impact That New Beginnings Have on Your Brain

When it comes to making a fresh start in life, new beginnings are often something we strive for and are thirsty to experience. Whether it’s a new year resolution or a completely new life chapter, the feeling of change can be invigorating and inspiring. But what is it about the idea of starting something new that has a transformative effect on our brains? To understand the impact of new beginnings, we must first delve into the topic of neuroplasticity – our brain’s innate ability to adapt and change – and how it plays a part in our mental health and how we make decisions.


Neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, is the brain’s ability to reorganize its neural networks in response to a changing environment. It is a process, that, when happening inside our brains, can very quickly change the way we think and feel. It is the reason why we can learn to become better at something or unlearn a bad habit. Neuroplasticity even works to alter our behavior over time, creating habits that can either support our physical and mental health or negatively affect it.

The idea of neuroplasticity has been around since the early twentieth century. Since then, advances in brain imaging technology have presented a deeper insight into how our brains are affected by environmental changes. Scientists have identified that neuroplasticity can result in the formation of new neural pathways in our brains, enabling us to create and develop new habits and outlooks.

New Year Resolutions

As each new year approaches, it provides us with an opportunity to re-evaluate our lives and raise the bar on our goals and ambitions, making resolutions that we hope to fulfill by the end of the year. While the intention is usually to develop better habits and find a new sense of direction, the pressure to succeed can often lead us to become overwhelmed and thus fail to stick to our resolutions.

To make the most of a new year resolution, it is important to set achievable, measurable goals which will help cultivate new neural pathways and result in positive behavioral changes over time. An important aspect to consider is the time and commitment needed to make these changes. Sudden large changes to our lives can be difficult to maintain and are often unsustainable, which can have a detrimental effect on how we feel about ourselves and our lives.

New Beginnings

In retrospect, the idea of a new beginning should take place at our own pace and should be embraced as something of a journey. A journey that can ultimately become healthier, more satisfying and ultimately help to improve our mental and physical health over time.

Little steps are the key to achieving these goals, particularly when it comes to mental health. For example, if you are dealing with stress or anxiety, then micro-steps towards creating a healthier lifestyle are a great way to start. This could involve setting aside time to meditate or exercise, creating lists of things you are grateful for or deepening the quality of your relationships with the people you care about.

The Brain

New beginnings have numerous effects on the brain, particularly in terms of our mental state. Our conscious and subconscious thoughts greatly dictate our moods and behaviors. By making conscious decisions to create and follow through with new goals, it allows us to completely retrain our thought processes, giving us a newfound sense of confidence and worth. New beginnings can influence our brain to form habits and paths that nurture our overall health and wellbeing.

On a more physical level, the release of neurochemicals such as dopamine and serotonin can have a great impact on how our brains are affected. Dopamine helps to motivate us and reward our efforts when we work towards our goals, whilst serotonin is responsible for helping to regulate our moods. Therefore, by motivating ourselves to follow our new goals and set an agenda that is beneficial for our health, our brains release these essential chemicals, which can help lift our moods and give us a feeling of satisfaction.


In conclusion, the impact that new beginnings have on our brains can be significant and stimulating. By taking the time to properly plan and set achievable goals, we allow our brains to experience a sense of satisfaction and positivity. We explore new pathways of thinking and create sustainable habits that nourish our physical and mental health. This allows us to make the most of each day and equip ourselves with the tools to lead a productive and balanced life.

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ALS Philippe Douyon ALS Philippe Douyon

How ALS Affects the Brain and Body

ALS is a degenerative disease that weakens muscles and cripples the body. However, if you or someone you love has ALS, a rich and fulfilled life is still possible.

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Dementia Philippe Douyon Dementia Philippe Douyon

What is Wet Brain?

Excessive drinking and alcoholism can lead to brain diseases such as dementia and wet brain while also impairing neuroplasticity and brain healing.

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